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Ya Language

ي : لغة البرمجة

Ya (ي) is an open source programming language where you can write python code in arabic language.

It takes the arabic text and convert it into python code and execute it. Which then can be used anywhere. You can code anything which you can code in python.

It is recommended to use IntelliJ IDEA as it support RTL text direction and and it also support .ي extension.

You can add IntelliJ plugin for Ya Language. For installing pluging search ‘ي’ keyword in plugin tab of intelliJ editor.

وظيفة جمع(اولا، ثاني):؛
    كل = اولا + ثاني؛
    ارجع كل؛

اطبع("جمع = "، جمع(٢، ٣))؛


جمع =  ٥

NOTE: ؛ is optional at the end of line

For more sample code see (


Getting Started



اطبع("اهلا و سهلا يا عالم")؛
ي اهلا
اهلا و سهلا يا عالم